Friday, December 20, 2013

First Christmas in Heaven... author unknown

First Christmas in Heaven


I’ve had my first Christmas in Heaven,

A glorious, wonderful day!

I stood with saints of the ages

Who found Christ, the Truth, and the Way.


I sang with the heavenly choir -

Just think!  I, who so longed to sing!

And oh!  What celestial music

We brought to our Savior and King!


We sang the glad songs of redemption,

How Jesus of Bethlehem came,

And how they had called His name Jesus,

That all might be saved through His name.


We sang once again with the angels,

The song they sang that blessed morn,

When shepherds first heard the glad story

That Jesus, the Savior, was born.


O, dear one, I wish you had been here.

No Christmas on earth could compare

With all the rapture and glory

We witnessed in Heaven so fair.


You know how I always loved Christmas;

It seemed such a wonderful day,

With all my loved ones around me,

The children so happy and gay.


Yes, now I can see why I loved it,

And, oh, what a joy it will be

When all of my loved ones are with me,

To share in the glories I see.


So dear ones on earth here’s my greeting –

Look up ‘til the day’s dawn appears,

And, oh, what a Christmas awaits us

Beyond all our partings and tears.

Give Jesus Your Best Gift... by Rick Warren

I wanted to share a devotion written by Rick Warren from Saddleback Church.  It can be found on his "Purpose Driven" website at this link.

The idea of giving Jesus something for the day we celebrate His birth seems out of the ordinary, but I like the idea of putting Jesus first. Rick makes a point to say that Jesus still needs gifts, and the gifts He wants are:
  1. Our trust
  2. The first place in our lives
  3. Our hearts
  4. Other people brought to Him
I think that this is worth a thought...  Have a blessed day!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

"Jesus- A Brief Life by Dr. James A. Francis"

I wanted to share this poem from Dr. James A. Francis (1864-1928), although I may not agree on every detail of his verse, I think the point he makes is that no one person has affected human history the way that Jesus did, and does.  He is the center of humanity, human history, and He is Lord!

Jesus- A Brief Life by Dr. James A. Francis

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, child of a peasant woman.

He grew up in another obscure village.

He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty, and then for three years was an itinerant preacher.

He never wrote a book.

He never held an office.

He never owned a home He never had a family.